Fidlock's Hermetic Maxi Dry Bag is a masterpiece of outdoor gear engineering. This compact, self-sealing bag integrates the revolutionary GOOPER® technology, offering unmatched protection for your larger smartphones and valuable items. With a 100% water and sandproof barrier, it ensures your belongings are shielded from the elements. Its design allows full functionality of your phone within the case, and it's meticulously crafted to avoid any interference with your electronics and cards. The added lanyard makes it the perfect accessory for any outdoor activity, be it hiking or swimming.
- Revolutionary GOOPER® magnetic self-sealing technology for ultimate protection
- Designed for larger smartphones, navigational maps, and sensitive gear
- Offers a robust barrier against water and sand
- Maintains full phone functionality within the case
- Crafted to prevent any interference with electronic devices and cards
- Includes a lanyard for convenient carrying during activities